Wednesday, June 14, 2017

MUTH'S TRUTHS 06/14/2017

I’m starting to think some unhinged fake news reporters need to be charged with hate speech in their coverage of President Donald Trump because the sheer level of their outright lying has reached fevered proportions.  Latest example…

On Tuesday morning at 6:24 a.m., CNBC’s John Harwood tweeted: “US Ambassador to Qatar has resigned days after Trump renewed attacking the country, which undercut State Dept attempt to calm tensions.”

Harwood clearly put forward the impression that the ambassador quit in a fit of pique over the president’s tough line on Qatar’s funding of radical Islamic terrorism.  But now, as Paul Harvey would say, the REST of the story…

At 7:13 a.m., BuzzFeed foreign affairs correspondent John Hudson tweeted back: “Pretty misleading. @AmbDana was long scheduled to rotate out of her post. (She's a career FSO who served there for 3 years).”

And at 5:16 p.m., the premiere Fake News Network, CNN, tweeted: “The US ambassador to Qatar announced that she will step down later this month, as planned, (my emphasis) after 3 years in the post.”

I mean, seriously.  How badly are you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome when you’re so far out there with fake news that BuzzFeed and CNN BOTH correct you?!!

That said, the “Stuck on Stupid” GOP actually allowed this partisan melonhead to moderate a Republican Party presidential debate in October 2015 - in which he was roundly criticized for his blatant and obvious bias. What idiot allowed that to happen?

If the Republican National Committee allows this fake news hack anywhere near a debate, other than sitting in the audience with the rest of the spectators, in the future they should be sued for malpractice and dereliction of duty.


Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs

P.S.  That political circus show yesterday featuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions testifying before a Senate committee supposedly investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign in last year’s presidential election fizzled out like the “nothing burger” it is.

Not a single Democrat laid a glove on Sessions – though Sen. Kamala Harrisgave one of her de rigueur performances as an angry, rude, disrespectful, arrogant, boorish unhinged partisan liberal and had to be put in “time out” by the committee chairman for not allowing Sessions to even answer her own questions.

And the beat goes on…

P.S.  The REAL Chamber of Commerce Gala Dinner featuring Tomi Lahren isthis Friday.  Enter the promo code “chuck” and automatically receive 30% off the ticket price.  CLICK HERE to RSVP and order your tickets.




“This may sound crazy, but flipping burgers at McDonald’s one of the best jobs you can have (before starting your own business). McDonald’s has one of the very best business systems in the world. . . . One year of this, even part-time, will give you a significant head start over an entrepreneur who only has a dream, but no real life experience.  Remember, you are not looking for a career.  You are looking for the best training ground.  Don’t work to earn.  Work to learn.” – Donald Trump, Midas Touch (2011)



Parents get shutout in Republican sellout

(Thomas Mitchell) - When Gov. Brian Sandoval declared there would be no special session to wrap up unfinished legislative business, I knew he had thrown in the towel and education savings accounts were toast.

There were ways the ESAs could’ve been saved, as one newspaper columnist pointed out Sunday. Sandoval could’ve used his veto and Republican state senators could’ve held their ground. But no. They folded, surrendered, slunk away with their tails between their legs.

The 8,000 to 10,000 students hoping their parents could keep some of their tax dollars so they could afford to send their children to private schools were left high and dry.

Liberal agenda blocked by Nevada GOP legislators

(Michael Roberson) - During the 2015 legislative session, Republican legislators and Gov. Brian Sandoval successfully implemented many significant, cost-saving reforms. However, when Democrats recaptured majorities in both houses after the 2016 election, they were determined to roll back our reforms, while proposing what many have labeled the most liberal agenda ever proposed in state history.

Yet, despite their best efforts, Nevada Democrats failed in implementing their agenda. In fact, conservatives have much to celebrate following the conclusion of the session considering we were in the minority in both houses.

Allow me to elaborate…


Our speaker roster for the 2017 Conservative Leadership Conference is almost set – and, wow, is it gonna be FUN!  Something old, something new…and all under the red, white and blue.

This isn’t going to be just a “conference” this year.  It’s gonna be anEXPERIENCE.  Like nothing you’ve ever been to before.

But I need about six good volunteers to help us plan and organize all the behind the scenes “stuff” to make this event run as smoothly as the proverbial Swiss watch.

If you’d like to join the team putting on this not-to-be-missed show in September, shoot me an email to or give me a shout at (702) 942-3291.


"When we talk about getting rid of Obamacare you're really talking about block granting Medicaid, which is a big deal – tremendous savings over the next 100 years.  And then we need to do the same thing and block grant food stamps and the job training programs and the housing subsidies.  Send those out to the states. Let confident states do it well. Save money and no longer allow the federal government to bankrupt states by pushing regulations and cost out into the states." – Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform, 6/13/17

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